For the attention of those buying or selling through this website:
- The advertisement of Flying Fifteens and equipment for sale on this website does not indicate that FFAI (Flying Fifteen Association of Ireland), or any of its affiliated clubs or groups or members, have inspected the boats or equipment advertised, or have any knowledge of the authenticity of the advertisement. It is the Seller or Buyer’s responsibility to satisfy themselves completely with regards to any transaction that occurs, to validate the condition of the items being transacted, and to ensure that all precautions have been made with regard to financial or other exchanges made. FFAI or any of its affiliated clubs or groups or members do NOT accept any liability in this regard.
- Money launderers in the past have used boat purchases to further their illegal activities. Sellers have been approached by “buyers” offering large cash payments as deposits, which are subsequently reclaimed, or producing false/forged cheques. Sellers are advised to be aware of any suspicious contacts.