Ranking System.2008

1. Points shall be allocated on the basis of overall regatta results for each of the “Ranking Events” using a “High Points” scoring system (1st. place overall = 50 points, 2nd = 49 points… 50th. place = 1 point, 51st. and below = 0 points.

2. “Ranking Events” will be decided annually and will include the FFAI Championship of Ireland and Regional Championships and any other events that the committee decide.

3. The Ranking List is “rolling” in that the last 4 “Ranking Events” with one discard constitute the series, calculated each time a “Ranking Events” is completed.

4. For the Championship of Ireland, races, points shall awarded for the overall place using the same system except that the points will be increased by 50%.
For the European Championship 2008, points shall awarded for the overall place using the same system except that the points will be increased by 100%.

5. Nominations for World and European Championships shall be made based on a “Qualifying Series” completed before the beginning of the calendar year in which such event is to be sailed.

6. A “Qualifying Series” will be defined as necessary from “Ranking Events” including the Championship of Ireland. This will be a discrete series, based on a high score system, overall regatta results and discards.

7. At an FFAI event, the leading 45% helms will be ranked as Gold Fleet, the next 30% as Silver Fleet, and the balance as Bronze Fleet. This ranking will be based on the average points of up to the last 3 “Ranking Events” (without increase for the C of I) that the helm has sailed.

8. FFAI may nominate the highest ranked helm, immediately before the event is sailed, to represent the class at the ISA Champion of Champions competition, or its successor events. In the event that this helm is unable to sail in that regatta, the next placed ranking helm will be nominated, and so on.

9. This ranking system applies only to those sailors and boats that are members of FFAI.

10. The helms shall be ranked with the sailor having the highest number of points placed first and other sailors ranked accordingly.

11. Points shall be awarded to a FFAI member helm and not to a boat. Helms that change boats shall carry their Points forward in the Series.

12. Overall places achieved by boats sailed by non-FFAI members sailing in a “Ranking Events” shall be disregarded for the purposes of awarding Points.

13. In the event of a tie in total points, the tie shall be broken in accordance with RRS Appendix A, as current when the last “Ranking Events” was sailed. In the event of changes to RRS Appendix A, no score in a regatta or Ranking Points that were achieved before such rule change shall be altered as a result.

14. Should an FFAI Ranking Event be sailed at the same time, and to allow the nominated helm to participate in the Champion of Champions regatta without undue penalty to their overall ranking, the FFAI nominee shall be awarded a ‘Notional Average Placing’ in any FFAI event sailed during their participation in that event. See Rule 19.

15. FFAI nominated helms that participate in a World or European Championship will likewise be awarded a ‘Notional Average Placing’ in any FFAI event sailed during their participation in that event. See Rule 19.

16. Other Flying Fifteen events may be nominated by FFAI as qualifying for ‘Notional Average Placing’ from time to time. Such events shall be published in the FFAI newsletter or on the website by April of the calendar year in which they are to be sailed.

17. The National Championship may be excluded from the dispensation of rules 14, 15 and 16.

18. “ Notional Average Points” will be calculated by taking the average of the representative helms best three actual overall points obtained at the previous four “Ranking Events” in which they sailed. The calculation shall be made to one decimal point and rounded to the nearest whole number with 5 or more tenths being rounded up. Points will then be awarded, based on the Notional Average Placing, as described in rule 1.

19. The FFAI reserves the right to take other factors into account when making its fleet designations or nominations.

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